Thursday, October 8, 2009


Efficacy level of anti mosquito coil depends on kind and content of active agent on it. Active agent which usually used is synthetic of pyrethrum flower namely pyrethrin.

Kinds of pyrethrin are d-allethrin, esbiothrine , prallethrine, permetrhine, cypermethrine, metofluthrine and others. Those active agents are used because they did not cryogenic to human body. When inhale or swallow into our body, they are decomposed and go out with urine.

Other active agent that used before this decade was chemical that name DDT, S-2, Propoxur, Dichlorvos. These active agents are dangerous to human body because of their cryogenic characteristics to human body.

We need to be careful with this kind of active agent. Unfortunately in many development countries the usage of those cryogenic active agents is still allowed by government. Or sometimes even it is prohibited by government but some manufacturers still use it.

Consumer must know about this. There must be some education to the people regarding this issue. By educate people or consumer about this control of this product can be better.

At least consumer does not buy it that manufacturer will consider for not manufacturing it any more.

Other problem arise when we try to prevent people to use this cryogenic agent is buying ability. Buying ability is influenced by efficacy of the active agent. Cryogenic active agent is more effective to kill than pyrethrin product. And the price of cryogenic agent is cheaper than safe product like phyrethin.

People in development country has difficulty to buy this safe product that they tend to use cryogenic product even though they know it is not safe to their health.

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